in sordina è uscito thunderbird 0.4a che include:
1) OSX builds will include a new Windows menu item for managing open windows better. Thanks to Don Crandall for making this happen!!
2) OSX builds will now work properly when you close all open windows. i.e. we will now show a thunderbird specific menu bar. Thanks Don!
3) HTML Anchors now work in the message pane
4) News posting sometimes goes to the right news group but the wrong server. THis was an extremely old and popular news bug (Bug #54911)
5) All of the various edge cases for copy and paste of images you all helped me identify in earlier builds have been addressed.
6) Fix for crash after posting a news message when quitting the app.
7) Fix for inability to open local folders
8) Purging of the Junk Mail Folder now works for Junk Mail folders on all accounts and not just the first account.
9) Improvements to 4.x profile migration including ldap settings and local folders from 4.x
10) Improvements when importing mailing lists from Outlook Express
11) xmlextras is now included as part of this build (hence the slightly larger download size). This will allow folks to write powerful extensions such as RSS feed readers.
sul lato firebird è stato aggiunto nel daily snapshot repository anche il pacchetto di installazione oltre ai soliti file compressi, inoltre se provate ad installarlo la versione sarà 0.7+ e non la solita 0.7!