phpKitchen ha pubblicato un elenco con tutte le faq per i packages pear.
I downloaded Dave’s Kernel, and interestingly enough I was able to get everything up and running after some tweaking. I am running a Dell Inspiron laptop with a USB mouse.
I had to do some digging and reading on the kernel documents to find out some of this stuff, nothing too hard, but just time consuming, so I decided to share it with the Fedora community.
1. Download it at: only needed the kernel- , kernel-source and kernel-doc RPMs.
2. Install it:
Use “rpm -ihv” instead of “rpm -Uhv” taht way you should still be able
to boot into the official kernel 2.4.22xx3. Modify /etc/fstab
add line:
none /sys sysfs defaults 0 0and create directory
4. If you have a CD-write, kernel 2.6 does not need ide-scsi… so get rid of you hdxx=ide-scsi from /etc/grub.conf
5. Still using OSS for sound, and USB mouse, add the following to /etc/rc.local
/sbin/modprobe uhci_hcd
/sbin/modprobe i810_audio
/sbin/modprobe ac97* You can always create the right entries to your /etc/modules.conf
6. To get VMWARE running use the following info: I also was able to get cisco vpnclient 4.0.3(b) compiled using kernel 2.6
8. If you are using cpu-freq (i.e. for a P4 chip), add to /etc/rc.local
/sbin/modprobe p4-clockmod
* You don’t nee dot echo the commands to /proc/cpufreq anymore… the info now is store at: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/
Quick Fedora Kernel 2.6.0-1.104 Tips
Everything else still works… CD-RW, DVD Player, PCMCIA, USB Memory Stick, ACPI…
Hope this helps some people.
via koolinus
[UPDATE 26-12-2003]
ho trovato anche un wiki che parla di come installare al meglio il kernel 2.6 su fedora
PHP 5.0 Beta 3 has been released. The third beta of PHP is also scheduled to be the last one (barring unexpected surprises). This beta incorporates dozens of bug fixes since Beta 2, better XML support and many other improvements, some of which are documented in the NEWS file.
Some of the key features of PHP 5 include:
- PHP 5 features the Zend Engine 2.
- XML support has been completely redone in PHP 5, all extensions are now focused around the excellent libxml2 library (
- SQLite has been bundled with PHP. For more information on SQLite, please visit their website.
- A new SimpleXML extension for easily accessing and manipulating XML as PHP objects. It can also interface with the DOM extension and vice-versa.
- Streams have been greatly improved, including the ability to access low-level socket operations on streams.
è stata rilasciata la Milestone 6 di Eclipse, l’IDE opensource sviluppato in collaborazione con IBM. Insieme a questa release è stato reso disponibile anche il nuovo plug-in per il supporto di php, lo xored web studio 1.0.
Creole is a database abstraction layer for PHP5. It abstracts PHP’s native db-specific API to create more portable code while also providing developers with a clean fully object-oriented interface based on the API for Java’s JDBC.
There are a number of database abstraction packages for PHP. Creole draws from experience with several of these — noteably PEAR::DB, PEAR::MDB, and ADOdb. Creole was created as a sub-project of Propel to meet specific needs that none of the available abstraction layers were able to address in a satisfactory way.
Propel provides an object-oriented solution for finding and manipulating data in a SQL datastore. From an XML schema describing your data model, Propel creates SQL definition/dump files specific to your RDBMS and PHP classes for working within your data model. Propel also performs supplemental tasks like bulding API docs (phpdoc), and creatings a TGZ of the built files.
coWiki is a free (GPL) tool written in PHP 5 which creates a collaborative website that gathers, organizes and extends knowledge. It can manage text documents and binaries, act like a weblog or organize knowledge bases such as FAQs. In many senses, it is very like a wiki. coWiki provides an easy way to maintain and discuss its documents. It also provides a fast way for qualified contributors to create content online, using a simple and easy to apply markup language without needing HTML editing skills.
coWiki is template based, multilingual and modular.
se avete una piccola lan domestica ed avete deciso di usare un pc come streaming server vi consiglio di affiancare alla sempre valida accoppiata winamp (ah, si è uscita la versione 5.0) + shoutcast anche il plugin per il player chiamato browseAmp che permette di abilitare un mini-server web per controllarlo in remoto.
è stata rilasciata la pre-release di firebird 0.8! Testate, testate!