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c’è qualcosa che non riesco ad afferrare in tutto ciò: apple dai? mah ;)
Great Moments in History, 4000 B.C.: God Hides the Dinosaur Bones
“Man, this is gonna be fuckin’ hilarious!” says God.
“I dunno God,” says me. “I’m not sure I get it.”
“No, no, it’s gonna be fuckin’ fantastic,” says God. “‘Cause y’see, everybody’s gonna think there’s dinosaurs, and there’s not! That’s gold – solid gold!”
“I guess that’s funny,” says me. “Not really ha ha funny, more like Andy Kaufmann funny.”
“Dude, you just don’t get it,” says God. “Now c’mon, you gotta check out these, these trilobites! Ohmigod! Ohmigod, these’re fuckin’ classic!”
“I think this is like that time we were out drivin an you got all excited about stealin that ‘SALAD BAR’ sign over that restaurant,” says me.
“Know what, man, I am fuckin’ starvin’,” says God. “After this we’re totally gettin’ some tacos.”
via fafblog
Il regno delle Tenebre del Male
Dalla Fortezza di San Pietro arriva
Con i pugni teologici
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa
Ratzinga, PaapaaaaTuona
Si scaglia dal sagrato contro il male
Se sei il nemico prega e’ gia’ finita
La Chiesa batte i denti, c’e’
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (croci rotanti!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (pater noster!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (ostia di fuoco!)Ha la mente di Lutero ma tutto il resto fa da se’
Non conosce la paura ne’ za italiano ke koz’e’
Lotta, cade, si rialza, sempre vincera’
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (rosario atomico!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (lama del diavolo!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (doppio amen!)Ratzinga!
Con uno sguardo spacca in due il conclave
Dagli occhi sputa fuori salmi gamma
Non c’e’ chi e’ forte piu’ di te
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa
Ratzinga, PaapaaaaHa la mente di Lutero ma tutto il resto fa da se’
Non conosce la paura ne’ ne’ za italiano ke koz’e’
Se hai bisogno puoi invocarlo, con la bibbia apparirà
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (bombe gnostiche!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (luce divina!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (spada teologica!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (sermone perforante!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (incenso atomico!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (pugno teologico!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (croci rotanti!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (doppio amen!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (ora pronobis!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (acqua santa!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (lama diabolica!)
Ratzinga, Paapaaaa (doppio rosario!)
grazie strada…
Gloria gloria gloria! Ipnorospo nostro signore…
il mitico discorso del sindaco di Palomonte (salerno) per il matrimonio del nipote…
che iniziano i pesci d’aprile ;)
direttamente dal blog di andrea beggi:
20 Questions to a Better Personality
Wackiness: 22/100
Rationality: 52/100
Constructiveness: 76/100
Leadership: 44/100You are a SECF—Sober Emotional Constructive Follower. This makes you a Hippie.
You are passionate about your causes and steadfast in your commitments. Once you’ve made up your mind, no one can convince you otherwise. Your politics are left-leaning, and your lifestyle choices decidedly temperate and chaste.
You do tremendous work when focused, but usually you operate somewhat distracted. You blow hot and cold, and while you normally endeavor on the side of goodness and truth, you have a massive mean streak which is not to be taken lightly. You don’t get mad, you get even.
Please don’t get even with this web site.
Of the 110269 people who have taken this quiz since tracking began (8/17/2004), 10.4 % are this type.