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aventure mail

perchè dovrei usare il piccolo servizio mail di google quando ho chi mi offre di più?


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windows modding

adesso faccio diventare il mio windows come fedora!


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se come me state sbattendo la testa per il DPSS ecco due link comodi comodi!


di tutto un po' linux

Garrett LeSage lascia RH

Garrett LeSage l’autore del famoso tema bluecurve e delle icone presenti nelle distribuzioni linux di redhat (e poi in fedora) ha deciso di abbandonare la società dal cappello rosso, speriamo solo che venga trovato un valido rimpiazzo!



raduno universitario

ok, mi sono laureato.. questo però non significa che non parteciperò al

V raduno universitario


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web riviste

mi sono dimenticato di dire che nel numero di aprile di php|architect si parla di:

Smarty and Internationalization
Internationalization is one of those topics that no one really wants to deal with. Yet, being able to present contents to users in their own locale is an important aspect of every modern website. In this article, author John Coggeshall describes his own efforts at creating a version of the Smarty Templating Engine capable of supporting data in multiple languages—and all the code is included!

Four, Oh Four!
One of the most common errors encountered on the net is the dreaded “404”, which indicates that the requested page is not found. To make things worse, this error has so many potential causes that it is virtually impossible to completely eliminate all of them. In this article, Ilia Alshanetsky reviews some of the preventative steps that can be used to avoid 404s and, in the instances where they cannot be avoided, handle them as gracefully as possible.

Meet Your Match
In the second installment of his three-part series on regular expressions, George Schlossnagle dives deeper into the realm of regex, exploring more exotic (and much more powerful) techniques, such as comments, assertions, greediness and much, much more.

Creating Web Services with PHP and SOAP
If you’ve been reading the last few issues of php|a, you already how to use SOAP and PHP together to write a client able to communicate with a Web Service. What if you wanted to create your own web service? In this article, Alessandro Sfondrini looks at how you can accomplish this, both on your own and aided by useful tools, such as the NuSOAP library.

A Walk Down PDF Lane
PDF files are notoriously complex to decipher. Or are they? In this article, Marco Tabini tries to sort through the 1,000-plus page Adobe PDF documentation to provide you with the skinny on how a PDF file is structured and how you can go about reading or modifying it.

Zend Does It Again
Just last month, Zend Technologies released the Zend WinEnabler, a product that finally makes Windows and IIS a stable platform for PHP. The introduction of this new product has potentially far-reaching implications for the world of PHP development—therefore, we could hardly resist, and immediately ran to our phone for this exclusive interview with Zend’s Rinat Gersch about what the WinEnabler means and where it will take us.

mentre nel nuovo numero di plug-it si parla di:

This month, we feature an interview with sci-fi actor turned author, Wil Wheaton, about his life, blog, and Dancing Barefoot. Also in the magazine: J2EE & .NET, rescue disks, what x86-64 means to you, and more.


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sony k700

noooooooooooo, sto diventando un geek a livello terminaleeeeeeee, koolinus mi ha fatto scoprire il nuovo k700 e dopo aver visionato la relativa presentazione mi sono accorto di essere finito sul sito di vodafone per vedere se potevo sostituirlo al mio t610 (preso in noleggio)!


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quanto parli bene l’inglese?

You are a MASTER of the English language!

While your English is not exactly perfect,
you are still more grammatically correct than
just about every American. Still, there is
always room for improvement…

How grammatically sound are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


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Trovato su l’Intercapedine:

Un’idea divertente trovata sul blog di Ve la propongo anch’io, leggermente modificata a mio piacere:
1. Prendi il libro più vicino.
2. Aprilo alla pagina 23.
3. Trova la prima frase degna del benché minimo interesse.
4. Posta il testo della frase nel tuo blog insieme a queste istruzioni.
[La vita istruzioni per l’uso]

Quindi ben venga un’azienda in cui razionale ed irrazionale lavorano fianco a fianco. Del resto possiamo aggiungere con Seneca “Non c’e’ mai stato grande ingegno senza un pizzico di follia“, oppure con Carlo Dossi “I pazzi aprono le vie che poi percorrono i savi“.

Il libro si intitola: Crazythinking di Angelo Braconi.

non chiedetemi che ci fa a fianco della mia postazione di lavoro… perchè NON LO SO!


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le famose error t-shirt!
