
php::Links(‘ limb ‘);

nato dal progetto WACT, già trattato in diverse occasioni su questo blog, Limb è un cms che sta suscitando qualche interesse. La gestione delle pagine/sezioni è molto simile a quella di Typo3 o Midgard, quindi è possibile interagire con le pagine/sezioni di un sito direttamente senza passare da un pannello di controllo che spesso obbliga ad una preview od un rebuild del sito stesso. Questa funzionalità è chiamata JIP e così descritta dagli sviluppatori:

LIMB introduces JIP (just in place) managing feature. JIP edition allows dramatically decrease time of learning the CMS and simplify the administration routine

Anche la gestione delle template sfrutta a pieno le potenzialità di WACT, permettendo di scrivere con poche righe di codice template (xhtml valide) comprendenti non poche funzioni (if, for, include..).



php|architect di luglio

è uscito il nuovo php|architect di luglio in questo numero:

Webmapping with MapServer
Wondering how to give a “plus” to your application? How about spatially ena-bling your data? Webmapping—to deliver maps through the web—is easier than you would think. In this article, Rodrigo Becke Cabral discusses how to use MapScript, a PHP wrapper for the opensource MapServer technology that allows you to draw maps on demand and deploy them within your PHP application.

User Abandonment Tracking with PHP and DHTML
In this article, Darrell Brodgon discusses the technique of using PHP and JavaScript to cap-ture real-time information entered into a form for the purposes of user aban-donment tracking. He also shows you how to gain a solid understanding of the powerful way client-side DHTML can interact with server-side PHP.

Build Your Own Debugging Library
Debugging can be tough no matter what language you’re using. PHP offers some special difficulties of its own—but that doesn’t mean that, with a little creativity and a look at the PHP manual, you can’t build a complete debugging library that requires no external components. Michael Paul Baley shows you how in this great article!

Charted Data Mining with PHP and JpGraph
Data Mining transforms raw data into useful knowledge. Join author Jason Sweat as he shows you how to use PHP, and the JpGraph library, to generate several kinds of graphs—some of which are not part of the standard JpGraph capabilities—based on the PHP bug database as the raw data set.

Socket Interprocess Communication
PHP’s increasing capabilities allow us to stray away from pure web applications into such areas as Unix systems programming, and rich client-side applications. In this piece, Rick Morris delves into the uses for interprocess communication over sockets, with a look at the Unix-oriented way of programming (which will work equally well on Windows). As a way to show you how powerful PHP is in this field, Rick also combines a socket-driven messaging server with a real-time instant messaging solution written in XUL that is completely portable across multiple platforms without requiring any special compilers.


php tecnologia

PHP::Links(” wact “)

Il progetto Web Application Component Toolkit (wact per gli amici) sta crescendo a vista d’occhio e nuovi pattern sono rilasciati sempre più frequentemente. E per dimostrarne la validità Herry Fuecks sfida chiunque a realizzare un miglior metodo a Data Table Tag per la generazione dinamica di tabelle da query SQL, che è stato da poco rilasciato da Jason Sweat.


php tecnologia

php::Links(” calendar.class.php “);

una semplice, e comoda da usare, classe per la creazione e gestione di calendari con php.



php::Links(‘ php in ie client side ‘ );

trovato sul blog di Harry Fuecks:

Client Side PHP in Internet Explorer
While messing with PHP 5.0.0 figured it’s finally time to take at Wez Furlongs Activescript SAPI for PHP. Will the madness never end? ;)

In brief Microsoft provide a mechanism in Windows to “embed” scripting engines (e.g. PHP) and thereby allow execution of code in other languages. More information can be found at MSDN on Windows Script Interfaces.



PHP::Links(“PHP 5 : articoli “)

qualche articolo a riguardo di php 5.0:


php tecnologia

wordpress 1.3 e php 5.0

leggendo il blog degli sviluppatori di wordpress ho appreso con gioia che la nuova versione 1.3 supporta ufficialmente php 5.0!



php::Links(‘ zz/oss installer ‘);

ZZ/OSS Installer is a PHP-based installation wizard for professional release management of modular PHP applications.

* Advanced release management based on de facto standards.
* Shortened release cycles.
* Higher reusability of software components.
* Faster software deployment.

* Runs on Windows and Linux
* Provides a Web GUI aka installation wizard look and feel.
* Allows definition of packages, applications, and distributions in XML.
* Can install httpPEAR packages.
* Automatic resolution of package dependencies.
* Ships with tools for easier development of applications and packages.
* Plugin framework for build routines (e.g. to set up or update a database from SQL dumps).
* Customization with CSS of layout for in-house products.
* Supports full, minimal or custom installation profiles.
* Can be used as installation or setup wizard.
* Installer can upgrade itself.
* Allows multiple, non-conflicting installations in single or shared hosts environments
* Sources are LGPL licensed for greater flexibility in usage


php tecnologia

php 4.3.8

mi era sfuggito il rilascio di php 4.3.8.

This release is made in response to several security issues that have been discovered since the 4.3.7 release. All users of PHP are strongly encouraged to upgrade to PHP 4.3.8 as soon as possible.


php tecnologia

php 5.0.0

annunciazione annunciazione!

php 5.0 è stato ufficialmente rilasciato!

Some of the key features of PHP 5 include:

* The Zend Engine II with a new object model and dozens of new features.
* XML support has been completely redone in PHP 5, all extensions are now focused around the excellent libxml2 library (
* A new SimpleXML extension for easily accessing and manipulating XML as PHP objects. It can also interface with the DOM extension and vice-versa.
* A brand new built-in SOAP extension for interoperability with Web Services.
* A new MySQL extension named MySQLi for developers using MySQL 4.1 and later. This new extension includes an object-oriented interface in addition to a traditional interface; as well as support for many of MySQL’s new features, such as prepared statements.
* SQLite has been bundled with PHP. For more information on SQLite, please visit their website.
* Streams have been greatly improved, including the ability to access low-level socket operations on streams.
* And lots more

vi ricordo di non farvi prendere dalla foga da installazione e che la prima versione stabile non è mai consigliata a server mission critical!
