php tecnologia

mailing list o forum?

perchè non tutte e due? prendo spunto dall’interessante discussione che sta animando la PHP-ML per citare phpbb M2F e Mailgust, due progetti opensource che permettono di sincronizzare un forum con una mailing list e viceversa.


php tecnologia

annunciato php 5.0.0

pare che nelle prossime 24h vedrà la luce php 5.0.0!!! quale lieto evento… non ci resta che rimanere in trepidante attesa su!


php tecnologia

php::Links(‘ Gmail e PHP’);

Ilia sul suo blog spiega come usare gmail come strumento per il backup della propria posta elettronica, non male l’idea…


php tecnologia

php::Links(‘ php vs j2ee ‘);

altro articolo sull’annosa disputa PHP vs J2EE: Why PHP Scales – A Cranky, Snarky Answer.
Molto bello, e soprattutto un nuovo punto di vista dal solito “php/j2ee è meglio perchè implementa la funzione xyz…”


php tecnologia

phpEdit 1.0.1

il noto IDE phpEdit (un tempo freeware ed oggi shareware) è uscito nella nuova release 1.0.1 che corregge alcuni bachi che ne impedivano l’uso con processori intel pentium 4 con hyperthreading attivo.


php tecnologia

php::Links(‘ rephlux ‘);

Rephlux is a PHP based tool for running a continuous testing/build process on your project and taking action based on the outcome of your tests. It is inspired by the Java based CruiseControl. It is free software, licensed under the GNU GPL (see the file COPYING for details).

Rephlux is aimed at distributed developments and developments within larger teams. It was built for use on the development of the Web Application Component Toolkit[2], a PHP project on SourceForge, with the aim of providing something more useful than the SourceForge nightly builds.

Rephlux should be run as a scheduled job during application development. On each run:

* It checks your source code repository for changes since the last successful run – reporting on any revisions
* If changes are detected it checks out a working copy of your source code and runs arbitrary scripts that you define, followed by your test script
* It generates failure reports if your test script fails
* If the tests pass it will run user-defined scripts for eg. document generation, creating a tarball distribution, deploying the app to your server, etc.



php|architect giugno

è uscito il numero di giugno di php|architect:

Join FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Networks) library co-author as he introduces you to the wonderful world of artificial intelligence—with PHP!
This article provides an introduction to the power of neural networks through the Fast Artificial Neural Network library, including an implementation of a language classification system.

Low-impact Programming with PHP and OraclePHP and Oracle are an excellent combination for creating powerful and scalable web solutions. In this article, John Neil sheds light on those performance issues that might arise only under high-traffic situations—so that you can stop them before they ever start cropping up.

Creating forms is boring. Creating forms that can be neatly printed is boring and difficult. Creating forms and saving the user input into a PDF file is next to impossible… or is it? Richard Lynch shows us how you can create beautiful-looking (and beautiful-printing) forms using Adobe PDF and the FDF library, which allows you to programmatically add data to a PDF form file.

Spell checking with PHP
Mistakens hapen without a spel checker! That is a universal constant, but no one wants their typos to end up in the final product, be it an e-mail or a blog entry, and that’s what spell checking is all about. Unfortunately, for the most part this functionality is not available to many forms of web communications, such as forums, blogs and online comment systems. In this article, Ilia Alshanetsky will focus on two PHP ex-tensions that offer spell-checking functionality that can be used to validate and correct typos and spelling errors right from your scripts.

Traditionally, creating a client-side GUI interface to your applications was a laborious process that required specialized development tools—until… Mozilla?!

Join Jonathan Protzenko as he illustrates how a bit of XML, PHP and Javascript (and a Gecko-compatible browser) make it possible to create a top-notch GUI that is portable across multiple operating systems and requires no specialized programming languages.

The Filesystem as Your Database
Did you ever get a request to do a dynamic web page but have the client not want to pay the exorbitant amounts of money for database access? In this article, Peter MacIntyre will guide you in designing dynamic web pages (mostly form handling of data) on the cheap through the use of the file management functions found within PHP.


php tecnologia

php::Links(‘ comprimere i CSS con PHP ‘);

I css, se utilizzati come unico strumento per la definizione del layout di un sito, raggiungono facilmente dimensioni ragguardevoli. Php offre uno strumento per comprimerli fino all’80%.

Chiaramente la tecnica può essere applicata con poche modifiche anche a file con altre estensioni (e in particolare a file php). Da notare che questa tecnica non richiede alcun tipo di controllo sul server che ospita il sito (ovvero non richiede l’installazione di mod_gzip).

[via I Use It]


php tecnologia

wordpress 1.3

da bravo beta tester ho aggiornato il blog con worpress 1.3 pre-alfa, poche modifiche per lo più nella gestione delle template (difatti come potete vedere a destra ho qualche problema con l’elenco delle categorie), funzioni con prefisso wp_ e qualche miglioria nell’interfaccia di amministrazione. Appena raccimolerò un pò di tempo libero mi studierò l’integrazione con smarty e realizzerò una nuova template per il blog (e per il sito).



php::Links(‘ PHP_CompatInfo ‘ );

PHP_CompatInfo è una classe PEAR che analizzando un particolare file/directory/array dice quali sono i requisiti minimi per farlo funzionare.
