lifehack tecnologia webdev

Free hugs

Time by time in ideato, like in other IT and not-IT companies, someone needs a hug.

We have to manage on daily basis complex tasks, sometimes also quite frustrating, to talk with customers with lot of confuses ideas and deal with the bleeding edge technologies with no documentation.

Since we chose to adopt a remote office approach, do a proper hug is quite difficult. That’s why we created a proper channel (#abbracciatone, aka big hugs) on slack.

We also are lazy and looking every time for a hug image on google is a pain. To clear this pain I wrote a very little script for slack using a web service (this the Json endpoint url) created with kimono lab and the slack API to send a random hug image on the channel triggered by the command /hugs.

If you want to create your own hugs-bot this is the code you can start from:

php webdev

JSON, ScreenShot ed altro…

Post raccolta utile a chi usa il mio blog come motore di ricerca per argomenti tecnici ;)
